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February 16
When the worst day becomes the absolute best day

Campers enjoy outdoor adventures no matter the weather Ever have one of those conversations with your kiddo that makes you tilt your head to the side as you try to process it?  Something along the lines of the following, which happened when I picked up my son, Jack, during one of his Avid4 Adventure weeks. … Read More

getting kids outside kids and nature kids outdoor activities
February 10
Adventure Camp as a Way to Raise Enthusiastic and Empowered Kids

How do you empower kids? As a parent, I am always looking for ways to raise enthusiastic and empowered kids. I read parenting books and brainstorm with friends about different techniques to instill confidence in my children and help them gain the courage and strength to successfully surmount whatever curve balls are hurled at them … Read More

Avid4 Adventure Outdoor Adventure Camp benefits of outdoor activities camp preparation getting kids outside kids outdoor activities summer camp